The Real Junk Food Project Logo Colour Variants The Real Junk Food Project Colour Palette The Real Junk Food Project Call to Action Graphics The Real Junk Food Project Brand Elements The Real Junk Food Project History Booklet

The Real Junk Food Project

As proud Doncaster folk, we are always on the lookout to support projects that we believe in, and The Real Junk Food Project is one of them.

The Real Junk Food Project needed a brand identity that builds trust with potential supporters and investors. We approached them as we believe in what they are doing. We created a fun identity and brand to help Real Junk Food with their mission, to help others while sorting out the food waste problems we face in the UK.

The Real Junk Food Project is a charity that is hands on, it’s a charity where everyone gets stuck in to make a real ‘make the best from nothing’ feeling, we wanted the identity to reflect this.

Hand drawing the main logo and various other graphic elements across the website and printed communications gave us the feel we were looking for. The final design captured the hands on, pitch in look that The Real Junk Food team were after. We continue to support the charity as they grow and support more and more people in the local area. Producing visually interesting designs for The Real Junk Food Project, that help spread the message in digital and print form.

The brand has become very recognisable and developed a trust with investors and people who use the various services that the charity offers, a real community is being built.
The current website has been a major success in spreading the word of the charity and regularly attracts 300+ visits a week, not bad for a start up charity. We look forward to launching an in depth website in 2018.Oh – and if you are in Doncaster – pop in and support them!

View the Real Junk Food Project website  >

What we did

Brand Development | Print Design | Brand Strategy | Brand Guidelines | Website Development | Custom CSS